(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[gGo:1.0]ST[1]GN[Cristian Pop 7d (black) vs Seok Bin Cho 7d, European Toyota Pandanet Tour, Brno (Czech Rep.), rnd 4] SZ[19]KM[6.5] PW[Seok Bin Cho]WR[7d]PB[Cristian Pop]BR[7d]DT[2005-09-03]PC[IGS-PandaNet]RE[B] C[bitti [3d\]: yeah, this is going to be more tense than a football match :-D bitti [3d\]: or maybe thrilling is a better word] ;B[pd] ;W[dp]C[leoric [1k*\]: Figuratively or for real?] ;B[fq]C[bitti [3d\]: ah, he nows the japanese custom "the weaker player wipes the board before the game"? ;-)] ;W[cn] ;B[pq] ;W[dd]C[leoric [1k*\]: how much time for the match? whale [6d*\]: why interesting? bitti [3d\]: i think this will decide 1st place] ;B[jp] ;W[pn]C[leoric [1k*\]: 2 space high, interesting. Its ussually a 2 space low] ;B[oo] ;W[on]C[whale [6d*\]: old way] ;B[po]C[leoric [1k*\]: approx how old?] ;W[nn] ;B[qn]C[leoric [1k*\]: I am curious because I am trying to learn these things] ;W[qm] ;B[qo] ;W[qf]C[bitti [3d\]: i think cho is 23] ;B[nc] ;W[pi] ;B[rm] ;W[fc] ;B[ql] ;W[lc]C[bitti [3d\]: cho studied go 7 years in Kweon Kap-yong school] ;B[rd]C[bitti [3d\]: (see http://senseis.xmp.net/?InAKoreanBadukSchool)] ;W[hq]C[bitti [3d\]: at least more even than the last game ;-) whale [6d*\]: Pop is b?] ;B[ok]C[leoric [1k*\]: Ooo] ;W[ho] ;B[ni] ;W[of] ;B[km]C[leoric [1k*\]: hmm, h7] ;W[ll]C[leoric [1k*\]: does he pace? bitti [3d\]: usally he plays simultanously ;-)] ;B[kl] ;W[lj] ;B[ml] ;W[mk] ;B[lm] ;W[nl] ;B[lk]C[bitti [3d\]: huh? you promoted?] ;W[nk] ;B[kj] ;W[mi]C[bitti [3d\]: ttbrno promoted? bitti [3d\]: yeah but you just promoted from 6d? to 7d? here] ;B[ki] ;W[nh]C[bitti [3d\]: I see bitti [3d\]: your info changed] ;B[fo] ;W[eq] ;B[fr]C[bitti [3d\]: thanks? for what? bitti [3d\]: i don't did it] ;W[jq] ;B[ep] ;W[dq]C[udreka [2d\]: hi, are there any results online? bitti [3d\]: and you forgot the EGCC password? udreka [2d\]: later today or later after the tournament?] ;B[kq] ;W[ip] ;B[jr] ;W[iq]C[tweet [NR\]: this is an evening game in Europe. they ate dinner all ready? :-) udreka [2d\]: thank you bitti [3d\]: I prefere white because it's cho ;-) tweet [NR\]: eating before a big game makes me sleepy tweet [NR\]: i prefer to play before eating :-) tweet [NR\]: sounds tired and sleepy to me bitti [3d\]: but i think cho didnt even used 1 hour of is thinking time in the first 2 games, right? bitti [3d\]: so he should have had enough time to take a nap ;-) udreka [2d\]: who was his opponent in that game?] ;B[kp] ;W[kr]C[leoric [1k*\]: *true] ;B[lr] ;W[gn]C[bitti [3d\]: i never would have found l2 leoric [1k*\]: ttbrno, you should announce the game again over the shots leoric [1k*\]: *shouts] ;B[en] ;W[fl]C[bitti [3d\]: already i would feel very uneasy as black leoric [1k*\]: I would feel threatened, feel I need to cross-cut bitti [3d\]: at g7? white can capture this] ;B[fm] ;W[gm] ;B[el] ;W[ek]C[kobayashi1 [1k*\]: no, but can surely threat kobayashi1 [1k*\]: erasing B's influence in the center leoric [1k*\]: yes, but life is more important kobayashi1 [1k*\]: no danger while B is endangere too kobayashi1 [1k*\]: W has more liberties kobayashi1 [1k*\]: B P9 was a bit unreasonable] ;B[dk]C[bitti [3d\]: i think after b k11 the game was still ok for b bitti [3d\]: maybe f5 to heavy? bitti [3d\]: sorry b l11 kobayashi1 [1k*\]: maybe F2 was the move which made B loose initiative] ;W[dl]C[tweet [NR\]: tt] ;B[dm] ;W[em] ;B[do]C[bitti [3d\]: cho is very good in L&D] ;W[co] ;B[el] ;W[cl] ;B[fk] ;W[em] ;B[cp] ;W[el] ;B[cq] ;W[dn] ;B[eo] ;W[ce] ;B[fh] ;W[hh] ;B[cc]C[udreka [2d\]: white seems calm] ;W[dc] ;B[hi] ;W[ii] ;B[hj] ;W[gh] ;B[fi] ;W[jh] ;B[ij] ;W[fg] ;B[eg] ;W[ef] ;B[mh]C[bitti [3d\]: if cho gets 1st he wants to buy himself a playstation. you see, he's a part of the younger go generation ;-)] ;W[lh] ;B[li]C[bitti [3d\]: you roll on the floor while the players are concentrating?] ;W[mj] ;B[mg] ;W[lg]C[majunga [22k\]: :) bitti [3d\]: oh no rolling is rofl bitti [3d\]: but last l in lol is "loudly" ;-)] ;B[mf] ;W[oi] ;B[ig] ;W[jg]C[bitti [3d\]: i don't think so since the g12 stones arent important] ;B[ld]C[OM [4d*\]: pop is b or w? HiltiTE805 [12k\]: b OM [4d*\]: thx] ;W[kc] ;B[mc] ;W[kd]C[bitti [3d\]: maybe he counted] ;B[ih] ;W[if] ;B[ji] ;W[hg] ;B[ff] ;W[gg] ;B[dh]C[OM [4d*\]: is he?] ;W[re] ;B[qe] ;W[rf]C[bitti [3d\]: we'll see] ;B[oe] ;W[ne]C[OM [4d*\]: I 'm whith POP OM [4d*\]: not on score, on hope] ;B[nd] ;W[me] ;B[lf] ;W[le] ;B[kg] ;W[rc] ;B[sd] ;W[qc] ;B[qd] ;W[ob] ;B[pc]C[bitti [3d\]: yeah] ;W[pb] ;B[rb] ;W[qb] ;B[sc] ;W[mb] ;B[nb] ;W[na] ;B[lb] ;W[la] ;B[ma] ;W[cr] ;B[dr]C[bitti [3d\]: l15 does not seem to be a good internal thread for B] ;W[mb] ;B[pf] ;W[pg] ;B[ma] ;W[bp] ;B[er] ;W[mb] ;B[kb] ;W[jb] ;B[ma]C[bitti [3d\]: g14? bitti [3d\]: g9 bitti [3d\]: sorry jackfish [5k*\]: J11 probly] ;W[kf] ;B[ka] ;W[kh] ;B[df] ;W[ee] ;B[be] ;W[bd] ;B[bf] ;W[bc] ;B[cj] ;W[cf] ;B[cg] ;W[bh] ;B[bg] ;W[bj] ;B[ib] ;W[jc] ;B[ja] ;W[rk] ;B[pe] ;W[qh] ;B[gb] ;W[hc] ;B[cb] ;W[cd] ;B[qk]C[udreka [2d\]: who is master Brunner playing in this round?] ;W[bq] ;B[br] ;W[ar] ;B[bs] ;W[fb] ;B[fa] ;W[ea]C[bitti [3d\]: as i before said it's very thrilling] ;B[ga] ;W[hb] ;B[ha] ;W[gc] ;B[ia] ;W[eb] ;B[rj] ;W[ri] ;B[qj] ;W[mo] ;B[mp] ;W[no] ;B[np] ;W[ci] ;B[ej] ;W[gk] ;B[fj]C[bitti [3d\]: game is very tight, or?] ;W[il] ;B[jn] ;W[jk]C[ttbrno undid the last move (L9) .] ;B[kk] ;W[sj] ;B[hl]C[bitti [3d\]: cho tought too much about the playstation OM [4d*\]: pop realywon? OM [4d*\]: Hellloooo Romania Pakky [3d*\]: at chess they have sensors on the board, so there is no problem in relaying the game Pakky [3d*\]: They should apply it at go too bitti [3d\]: no, we have william wandel udreka [2d\]: i bet he too would rather play in the tournament bitti [3d\]: yeah i thought i got somewhat stronger in relaying the German Championship last year bitti [3d\]: so pop don't show us the rest? udreka [2d\]: thanks william bitti [3d\]: yeah thx bitti [3d\]: weird bitti [3d\]: cho would remember ;-) bitti [3d\]: maybe he is too disappionted now bitti [3d\]: better not disturb him now ;-) bitti [3d\]: I can't i fear bitti [3d\]: cu] )