(;GM[1] FF[4] AP[Hibiscus:2.1] SZ[19] ST[3] ;B[pd] ;W[dc] ;B[oq] ;W[dp] ;B[qj] C[Moves 1-5 are the special "Colmez style" fuseki.] ;W[qp] C[Taranu probably wasn't familiar with this fuseki that Colmez plays often.] ;B[qn] ;W[pn] ;B[qm] ;W[po] ;B[op] C[According to the plan. There is only one eye in gote in the corner for the white group.] ;W[lp] ;B[mo] ;W[pm] ;B[pl] ;W[ol] ;B[pk] ;W[mm] ;B[lo] ;W[kp] ;B[ko] ;W[ip] ;B[jo] ;W[jp] ;B[fp] C[Brave man. White should not have all the territory here.] ;W[mq] ;B[qq] ;W[rq] ;B[rr] ;W[qr] ;B[pq] ;W[sr] C[Black expected white to atari from the other direction and live small in the corner but that was too much to wish.] ;B[rs] ;W[ro] ;B[pr] ;W[hn] ;B[kl] ;W[ok] ;B[oj] ;W[mk] ;B[dq] ;W[cq] ;B[cp] C[What will happen?] ;W[do] C[The other possibility is to atari (at 71, many variations) but according to Miyamoto 9 dan the game sequence may be OK.] ;B[bq] ;W[cr] ;B[dr] ;W[bp] ;B[co] ;W[br] ;B[dn] ;W[eo] ;B[bo] ;W[aq] ;B[fn] ;W[cn] ;B[fo] ;W[bn] ;B[hq] ;W[hp] ;B[ir] C[Colmez thought that this is good for him.] ;W[nr] ;B[nn] ;W[om] ;B[mp] C[But instead 65 he should have played narabi at 66 which eliminates the immediate cut and takes away white's points and eye space.] ;W[jr] ;B[de] C[Too hasty. Defending the weak group is more important and also there are other kakari possibilities to consider.] ;W[gr] C[Takes away the two eyes in sente.] ;B[gq] ;W[fr] ;B[eq] ;W[gl] C[White group comes out and attacks the black group simultaneously.] ;B[fl] ;W[fk] ;B[ek] C[Black is resisting that the attack does not work as well as planned. It is not easy for white to find the right move.] ;W[fm] ;B[el] ;W[gm] C[It is not clear whether 76 and 78 the best alternatives.] ;B[en] ;W[ao] ;B[cl] ;W[fj] ;B[ej] ;W[fi] ;B[cc] C[Instead of 85 the keima defending the side would be common sense. But black wants to be forced to defend at 105 some time.] ;W[ei] ;B[ci] ;W[ch] ;B[bh] ;W[di] ;B[cj] ;W[cg] ;B[db] C[Here are also many options (96,102) but Colmez thought that this is best.] ;W[cd] ;B[dd] ;W[ec] ;B[eb] ;W[fc] ;B[bd] ;W[bc] ;B[ce] ;W[cb] ;B[cd] ;W[bg] ;B[hr] ;W[ba] C[High level tesuji that Colmez didn't know to expect.] ;B[fb] ;W[ab] ;B[gd] C[Good sacrifice move that Taranu (probably) didn't know to expect.] ;W[gc] ;B[hc] ;W[bi] ;B[bj] ;W[ah] ;B[cm] ;W[hb] C[White decides take the stones in the left instead of the top three stones. (Variation)] ;B[gb] ;W[hd] C[This atari sequence was played very fast.] ;B[ic] ;W[fd] ;B[ge] ;W[fe] ;B[ff] ;W[gf] ;B[he] ;W[ef] ;B[fg] ;W[ee] ;B[id] ;W[qc] C[The question is: Is black winning? Is white winning? And how black should play from now on. ] ;B[pc] ;W[qd] ;B[qb] ;W[rb] ;B[pb] ;W[qe] ;B[rf] C[This was perhaps a mistake. Colmez would have later played 142 instead. He had expected Taranu to play one point jump after which he planned to respond in 144 but now he was a little confused.] ;W[qf] ;B[rg] ;W[kb] ;B[ib] ;W[qg] ;B[of] ;W[rh] ;B[ri] ;W[qi] ;B[sh] ;W[qh] ;B[rk] ;W[nj] ;B[oi] ;W[ra] ;B[eg] ;W[df] ;B[hg] ;W[oo] ;B[nq] ;W[lr] ;B[lm] ;W[no] ;B[np] ;W[mn] ;B[lh] C[Colmez thought that the games was good for him but played this move without proper thinking. Now white's attack will ruin black's position on the top.] ;W[jm] ;B[ml] ;W[nm] ;B[km] ;W[ln] ;B[kn] ;W[kj] ;B[jj] ;W[ji] ;B[lj] ;W[lk] ;B[kk] ;W[ki] ;B[ii] ;W[ij] ;B[jk] ;W[li] ;B[il] ;W[im] ;B[hj] ;W[ih] ;B[hi] ;W[hk] ;B[ik] ;W[jg] ;B[dg] ;W[cf] ;B[hl] ;W[gk] ;B[hm] ;W[io] ;B[hh] ;W[ke] ;B[kd] ;W[if] ;B[ig] ;W[kf] ;B[je] ;W[jf] ;B[hf] ;W[ld] ;B[lg] ;W[oe] ;B[mi] ;W[pe] ;B[jh] ;W[me] ;B[ll] ;W[qo] ;B[da] ;W[ca] ;B[ae] ;W[ac] ;B[dh] ;W[gn] ;B[bf] ;W[ag] ;B[nd] ;W[ne] C[Black resigns.] )