(;C[According to Ma, his most difficult game was not the final against Miura, but his second-round game against Ronald Schlemper of the Netherlands. Although Schlemper had upset a Japanese opponent in the 1st World Amateur years ago and more recently had reached the number one spot in the Nihon Ki-in's insei league, his strong showing against Ma was still one of the surprises of the tournament. After narrowly losing this game, he handily won all the rest to finish in 9th place.] AP[MultiGo:3.9.4]SZ[19]GN[Ma vs. Schlemper]GC[According to Ma, his most difficult game was not the final against Miura, but his second-round game against Ronald Schlemper of the Netherlands. Although Schlemper had upset a Japanese opponent in the 1st World Amateur years ago and more recently had reached the number one spot in the Nihon Ki-in's insei league, his strong showing against Ma was still one of the surprises of the tournament. After narrowly losing this game, he handily won all the rest to finish in 9th place.] EV[V World Amateur Go Championship 1983]RO[2]DT[1983]PC[Tokyo]PB[Ronald Schlemper] BT[Netherlands]PW[Ma Xiaochun]WT[China]KM[5.5]HA[0]RE[W+3.5]US[Albert]SO[Go World ¹32 (Summer 1983) pp. 44-45] AN[Translated by James Davis] ;B[pd];W[cq];B[qp];W[cd];B[ec];W[oq];B[df]C[Black X combines well with the star-point stone A.] MA[df]LB[pd:A];W[ed];B[dd];W[de];B[dc];W[ce];B[ee];W[fd];B[cc];W[cf];B[ef];W[ch] ;B[gb];W[nc];B[lc]C[Black X should have been A]MA[lc]LB[ge:A];W[dg];B[gf]C[Black X should also have been played at A] MA[gf]LB[ge:A];W[ld];B[kd];W[md];B[ke];W[pf];B[of];W[og];B[oe];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd] ;B[pe];W[qe];B[ng];W[pg];B[mf];W[fh];B[eg];W[eh];B[gg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[nb];W[ep] ;B[hi]C[Result through X is roughly even]MA[hi];W[qn];B[po];W[pn];B[np];W[mq];B[pq] C[Black A was good, but X should probably have been omitted]MA[pq]LB[np:A];W[or] ;B[nn];W[kp];B[nk]C[Last Black was too conservative. Black should press at A ]LB[ok:A] ;W[pk];B[oi];W[pi];B[pl];W[ql];B[ok];W[pj];B[cp];W[dp];B[co];W[bq]C[Black X should have been ommited] MA[cp][co];B[bg];W[cg];B[cj];W[cl];B[dl]C[Now that Black has played at X, he should continue at A.] MA[co][cp]LB[dl:A];W[cm];B[dm];W[ck];B[dk];W[bj];B[dj];W[ci];B[mp];W[lp];B[iq];W[op] ;B[oo];W[jq];B[jr];W[ip];B[mr];W[lq]C[White A and B are mistakes. Both moves should have been played at C, in with case Black should have had fairly difficult position. ] LB[jq:A][lq:B][kr:C];B[kr]MA[ip][jq];W[hq];B[nq];W[gj];B[gl];W[lr];B[nr]C[When Black captured 3 stones, , it suddanley began to look as if he might well win.] ;W[gi];B[il];W[hh];B[ls]C[Last move perhaps the loosing move. Black should have connected at A. Even if he lostfour stones that way, he would still be able to force White from above.] LB[ir:A];W[ir]C[After that black group on the left side became weak.];B[dn];W[ij] ;B[ig];W[ro]C[White A was extremely large - about 17 points - and led to unexpected ko.] LB[ro:A];B[ii];W[hj];B[ji];W[jj];B[kl];W[gh];B[ki];W[ih];B[jg];W[rq];B[rp];W[sp] ;B[rr];W[sr];B[qq]C[If Black plays A instead, he is slitely behind.];W[qr]C[White had ample ko threats to make A succeed.] LB[qr:A];B[sq];W[fg];B[ff];W[rq];B[di];W[dh];B[sq];W[hg];B[hf];W[rq];B[fo];W[rs] ;B[ho];W[gp];B[bd];W[be];B[bc]C[Although Black defended his left side group with A and B in sente, and then got the large hane at C, the bottom right corner was large.] LB[fo:A][ho:B][bd:C];W[jh];B[kh];W[lm];B[ll];W[mm];B[om];W[jn];B[in];W[jm];B[im] ;W[pr];B[oh];W[qo];B[ph];W[qh];B[pm];W[qk];B[bn];W[bp];B[bm];W[bl];B[al];W[ak];B[am] ;W[bh];B[fp];W[fq];B[go];W[fk];B[fl];W[is];B[ms];W[pp];B[no];W[nm];B[km];W[kn];B[on] ;W[lo];B[ml];W[jl];B[kj];W[oj];B[nj];W[nl];B[ol];W[kk];B[lk];W[jk];B[ek];W[lj];B[mk] ;W[ni];B[nh];W[mi];B[li];W[eo];B[en];W[qm];B[hp];W[gq];B[io];W[jo];B[ae];W[af];B[ad] ;W[oa];B[na];W[pa];B[mo];W[ln];B[hk];W[gk];B[ik];W[ao];B[bo];W[ei];B[ej];W[fj];B[os] ;W[ps];B[mj];W[ns]C[After White A the two players fought the last one-point ko for another 68 moves, but White turned out to have one more ko threats. Black 225 to White 292 omitted. White wins by 3.5 points.] LB[ns:A])