(;AP[MultiGo:3.9.4]SZ[19]GC[Commented by Kato Masao, Oza]EV[VIII WAGC 1986]RO[4] DT[28.05.1986]PC[Tokyo]PB[Ron Snyder]BR[6d]BT[USA]PW[Ivan Detkov]WR[6d]WT[USSR] KM[5.5]RE[B+19.5]US[Albert]SO[Ranka Yearbook 1987] ;B[qd];W[dc];B[cp];W[pq];B[oc];W[eq];B[qo];W[op];B[gp];W[eo];B[dn];W[ip];B[gn];W[gq] ;B[ce];W[ed];B[qk];W[df];B[cg];W[eh];B[jd];W[ci]C[White A is excellent idea. With 22 Detcov takes the initiative.] LB[eh:A];B[cc];W[cb] (;B[cd]C[B25 is Heavy. Standart tesuji in this shape is dipping in the variation.] ;W[eb] (;B[bi]C[This is an overplay.];W[cf];B[bf];W[bh]C[A and B are good answer on C.] LB[cf:A][bh:B][bi:C];B[bg];W[bj];B[bb];W[ba];B[ab]C[As will be seen later, White can get a ko here. White has taken the honours in the opening fight.] ;W[en]C[Good strategic judgement. Detcov's play has been impressive. ];B[dm] ;W[em];B[dq];W[er];B[ck];W[bk];B[cl];W[di];B[on]C[Snyder pins his hopes on building a moyo.] ;W[pj];B[pk];W[nj];B[pi];W[rd]C[1-50. A good start for Detcov.];B[rc];W[pd];B[qc] C[White A and B are the shape, but it would probably be better to keep B in reserve.] LB[rd:A][pd:B];W[oi];B[qj];W[bd];B[ad];W[ae];B[bc];W[ac];B[jp];W[ad]C[Whie starts ko and promptly connects at B, as black A is too small. White B secure 40 points of territory\: White is way ahead.] LB[jp:A];B[iq];W[hq];B[io];W[hp];B[mq];W[qp];B[ro] (;W[mp]C[Overddoing things\: See variation.];B[lp];W[mo];B[nq];W[oo];B[nm];W[lo] ;B[kq];W[ko];B[jo];W[kp]C[This is bad move. White should simply atari at A and leave the peep at B.] LB[ir:A][lr:B] (;B[lq]C[Bad answer. See var.];W[ir];B[jq];W[km]C[This was White's last chanse to play on the top right.] ;B[oh]C[This hane gives Black a chance to recover from his seatback in the opening.] ;W[nh];B[oj];W[ni];B[ng];W[im]C[Better to play White A, Black B, White C. White hopes to take a decisive lead by attacking the black group at the bottom. But this group is not as weak as it looks. On top of that, White makes a mistake in his attack.] LB[mg:A][og:B][mf:C];B[ho];W[or]C[Better to attack at A, securing White's own base.] LB[jr:A];B[jr];W[hr];B[hm];W[il];B[gk];W[ek] (;B[dr]C[Black A is good move, but not so B. It should be at C. Later as it was in the game Black could aim at counterattacking as in variation ] LB[hm:A][dr:B][cr:C];W[hl]C[51-100. Snyder begins his fightback];B[gl];W[fm];B[gm] ;W[hi];B[hj];W[ii];B[fp];W[ep];B[ij];W[og];B[ph];W[mg];B[nf];W[mf];B[ne];W[me];B[nd] ;W[lc];B[ld];W[md];B[mc];W[mb];B[nc];W[kc];B[kd];W[ib];B[ic];W[jb];B[kg];W[lh];B[ji] (;W[jf]C[The vital point seems to be in ]LB[kf:A];B[kf];W[kh];B[jh];W[jg];B[hg] (;W[ih]C[This is the losing move. See var.];B[kj];W[hf];B[ef];W[dg];B[gf];W[gg] ;B[if];W[ig];B[he]C[Black stages an upset.];W[gh];B[hb];W[gc];B[hc];W[lk];B[ej] ;W[dj];B[dk];W[el];B[co];W[fj];B[nr];W[ka]C[Should be at A.]LB[la:A];B[gd];W[ee] ;B[fc];W[fe];B[fb];W[ie];B[id];W[je];B[ge];W[gj];B[hk];W[rp];B[po];W[pp];B[nb]C[Black A would kill the group.] LB[lb:A];W[lb];B[sp];W[sq];B[so];W[am];B[bn];W[ds];B[cs];W[es];B[br];W[in];B[lr] C[Black 187 ensures a sente seki if White makes a placement.];W[rr];B[ff];W[de] ;B[ke];W[nk];B[ol];W[jk];B[jj];W[ec];B[mm];W[lm];B[kk];W[ml];B[kl];W[ll];B[js];W[fq] ;B[ma];W[ia];B[hf];W[lj];B[jn];W[jm];B[bm];W[bl];B[os];W[ps];B[ns];W[ok];B[oq];W[pr] ;B[ki];W[nn];B[om];W[li];B[is];W[ha];B[fa];W[ga];B[gb];W[dl];B[fg];W[fh];B[an];W[al] ;B[ea];W[da];B[hh];W[gi];B[lg];W[hs];B[eg];W[ch];B[mn];W[no];B[pj]C[Snyder won this game because he refused to give up. It was his best performance of the tournament.]) (;W[hf];B[ef];W[dg];B[gf];W[he]C[After that White would maintain a small but definite lead.])) (;W[kf] (;B[jg];W[jf];B[if];W[ie]C[And White cut off the black stones.]) (;B[jf];W[jh]))) (;B[cr];W[hl];B[gl];W[fm];B[gm];W[hi];B[hj];W[ii];B[fp];W[ep];B[ej];W[dj];B[dk] ;W[el];B[fj])) (;B[jr];W[ir];B[jq]C[This would secure better eye shape.])) (;W[oh]C[White must extend here];B[mo];W[rp]C[If Black seals White in with A, White can leav at B.] LB[mo:A][rp:B])) (;B[bh];W[bi];B[cf]C[This would make it easier for Snyder])) (;B[bd];W[bc];B[cd];W[eb];B[bb];W[ba];B[ab]C[Black gets better shape, than in the game.]))