20.05.05 Added: Count of prisoners.
19.05.05 Added: Remove dead stones.
17.05.05 Release JSGV 0.3
12.05.05 Fixed: Escaped symbols in C tag.
12.05.05 Changed: Collecting and displaying game info.
12.05.05 Changed: Progress bar was replaced by percents.
04.04.05 Added: Progress bar when sgf file is parsing.
26.03.05 Added: Mark of the current move.
23.03.05 Added: Local perl script to transform .js files (size reduce).
22.03.05 Added: Disable buttons when game isn't loaded.
22.03.05 Added: Game info window.
22.03.05 Added: Coordinates.
22.03.05 Added: Search dead stones (without removing, slow).
21.03.05 Added: Move number
21.03.05 Release JSGV 0.2 (nonpublic)
18.03.05 Added: Button prevMove.
18.03.05 Added: Tags AB, AW, composite nodes.
17.03.05 Added: Buttons nextMove, lastMove, firstMove, about.
16.03.05 Added: Toolbar.
15.03.05 Added: Parsing sgf-files: tags B, W, C.
11.03.05 Release JSGV 0.1 (nonpublic)
11.03.05 Added: Base functionality of the board.
11.03.05 **Start**