ГоБиблиотека: Турниры/Европа/ЕГК1974

XVIII Го Конгресс 1974

Загреб, Югославия 1974, 13-27 июля

Manfred Wimmer, just back from Japan, won for the second time the European Championship. The first prize was a ticket to Japan, sponsored by JAL. Kito, 6 dan from Japan, won all his games, but he played out of competition.

1	Manfred Wimmer	Aut	8-0
2	Michael Kitsos	Ger	5-3
3	Paul Prescott	Gbr	4-4
 	Henk de Vries	Nld	4-4
 	Igor Bizjak	Yug	4-4
 	Rob van Zanten	Nld	4-4
 	Tony Goddard	Gbr	4-4
8	Wolfgang Isele	Ger	2-6
9	Pecenko		Yug	1-7

Robert Rehm (Nld), won the Master Tournament; Brokate (Ger) won the Chalengers Tournament.

During the General Meeting of the European Go Federation all sitting consecutives were re-elected: President – A.P.H. Schilp, Secretary – Werner Stenzel, Treasurer – K.E. Peach.
The Austrian Go Association offered to organise the 1975 Congress in Krems. This was one year earlier than scheduled, because no other Association was prepared to organise the Congress.