Фудзисава Хосаи (Fujisawa Hosai)
(05.03.1919 - 02.08.1993)
| | Страна Япония
Проживал Фудзисава, преф. Канагава, Япония
Уровень: 9 p
| | Продвижение
1933 1p
1933 2p
1934 3p
1935 4p
1938 5p
1940 6p
1942 7p
1946 8p
1948 9p
Краткая биографическая статья
| Фудзисава Хосаи (Кураносюкэ) родился 5 марта 1919 г. в Йокогаме, умер 2 августа 1993 г. Он – племянник Фудзисава Сюко. Становится инсэем Нихон Киин в 1930 г. Ему патронировал Хонимбо Сюсаи Мэйдзин, по слухам должен был стать наследником титулов. Семь раз побеждал в турнирах Оотэаи. Был первым, кто был продвинул на 9-й дан по системе Оотэаи в мае 1959 г. Покинул Нихон Киин в 1953 г. и поменял имя на Хосаи, но вернулся в 1959 г. Первые значительные достижения: победитель 6-го и 9-го чемпионата по Иго, обладатель 6-го титула Одза и 3-го титула Дзюдан. На протяжении своей карьеры владел в общей сложности 7-ю титулами. Известен участием в матчах из 10-ти партий (дзюбанго) с Го Сэйгэном в 1951-52 гг., когда они были единственными 9-ми данами. Оба матча проиграл.
Пер. с англ. Игорь Нилов
Fujisawa Hosai, Born Mar. 5, 1919 in Yokohama, Kanagawa. Died Aug. 2, 1993. Original name was Kuranosuke. Became insei at the Nihon Kiin in 1930. Favored by Honinbo Shusai Meijin, and was rumored to be in line for those hereditary titles. Won the Oteai seven times. Was first player to be promoted to 9 dan under the Oteai system. Left the Nihon Kiin in 1953 and returned in 1959. First major titles: 6th & 9th Igo Championships, 6th Oza Title and 3rd 10 Dan Title. In all, won seven titles in his career. Challenger in the 12th Honinbo Title Match in 1957. Famous also for playing two 10 game matches (Jubango) with Go Seigen, when he and Go were the only 9 dan players, but he lost both times. Known for his powerful fighting style and deep reading, as well as his unusual openings: as black he almost invariably opened the game by playing on the 3-3 point in one corner, and making a corner enclosure in the parallel corner, while with white he played imitation go (mane go). Lived in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa.
Источник http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Fujisawa%20Hosai
Fujisawa Hosai (originally Fujisawa Kuranosuke), Japanese 9-dan professional. He was one the leading players of his day, and is also known for his frequent use of mane-go as White. Though 6 years older, he was the nephew of Fujisawa Shuko.
Fujisawa was born in March 1919 in Yokohama. In May 1949, he became the first player to reach 9-dan under the Oteai system. There were no other 9-dans at that time (Shusai having died in 1940), and Fujisawa was therefore the highest ranked go player in the world until Go Seigen's promotion in February 1950.
During 1951 and 1952, Fujisawa played a jubango with Go Seigen. Fujisawa had won their previous jubango (19421944), but this time he lost 2-7, with 1 jigo, and was forced down to a handicap of sen-ai-sen in the process. He also lost 0-4 to Go Seigen in another match played at the same time. Not content with these results, he challenged Go to another jubango, and this time lost 5 of the first 6 games. This forced him down to a handicap of josen (Black in every game), and the jubango was terminated. Fujisawa resigned from the Nihon Ki-in and changed his name to Hosai.
Fujisawa returned to the Nihon Ki-in in 1959. He won several titles, including the Oza in 1958 and the Judan in 1964. He retired in 1992, and died on 2 August 1993.
His pupils were Oka Nobumitsu and his nephew Kojima Takaho.
Источник http://senseis.xmp.net/?FujisawaHosai
Достижения Фудзисава Хосаи:
Книги и другие материалы:
Александр Динерштейн :Не знал ни одного достойного фусеки за белых и часто просто копировал ходы соперника.